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Page 19

  "It's a fresh start for everyone." He embraced Tiffany. The past was in the past. He was ready to focus on the future.

  Texts from Dom, Adam, and Liam had fired up his phone during the visit with Tiffany. He passed it to Savanna when they were on their way home. "What's going on with the crew?"

  "They're all asking how you are, how the visit went, and the last from Liam was that everyone is in your apartment, so we should meet them there."

  He grinned. "I like having a full house."

  "I know you do." She reached over the console and patted his thigh then let her hand rest there.

  They walked into the apartment and a chorus of greetings tumbled together along with two distinctive barks that meant Dom and Adam had brought their dogs.

  Slade stepped halfway in front of Savanna, ready to intercept the huge beasts. They barreled into him, jumping up, licking, barking, and then sniffing Savanna. She laughed and stroked their heads. He kept his arm around her as they moved to the kitchen. Liam and Claire sat together at the counter. Dom and Adam and their wives leaned against the opposite side. Slade pulled up a stool at the end for Savanna. "Whoa, full house tonight."

  Liam grinned. "Lots to celebrate. I'm cleared to return to PT next week. Ray promised that Claire and I have full run of the mascot entertainment for the rest of the season, and I get to watch the dogs again during team road trips." Then he wrapped his arm around Claire. "And, the best news, Claire and I are engaged."

  Cheers echoed through the room as hugs and well wishes were exchanged.

  Slade moved through the kitchen as six different conversations resumed all at once. He grabbed drinks for Savanna and himself.

  Dom pulled him aside after he set them on the table. "You okay?"

  "I am. Really. Everything is good with Tiffany."

  "I'm glad. And Savanna? You guys worked things out?"

  "We did." He couldn't stop his smile. "She loves me."

  Dom clapped him on the shoulder. "Of course she does. I'm proud of you, Slade. You had a lot thrown at you this season and you handled it all like a champ."

  Happiness swelled until Slade nearly burst with it. "I might have had a little help from my friends. Okay, a lot of help. Thanks for always looking out for me."

  "Anytime, bud. Anytime."

  They rejoined their friends. He slipped his arm around Savanna, and she turned and smiled and leaned against his side.

  Love had been his salvation. Savanna had come into his life and changed him in ways he hadn't expected. And loving her was far more exhilarating than any adventure he'd ever known.

  With her and his friends by his side, there wasn't any challenge they couldn't handle together.



  FROM HIS POSITION AT home plate, Liam adjusted the head of his shark costume and made a last-minute check of Fin's tuxedo. The wedding was about to begin in front of a sold out crowd. Per the Fin and Fiona videos, they had only a few minutes of air time between the sixth and seventh innings. Luckily, the Riptide were winning, but the majority of the crowd were already cheering Fin and Fiona's names. The team would be moving on to the playoffs, but the celebration for this final game in the regular season was all about the mascots’ wedding.

  All the Riptide players lined up along the dugout. Dom, Adam, and Slade stood closest to him. They'd played starring roles in Fin and Fiona's antics over the course of their relationship. The fans had voted for Dom to preside over the ceremony.

  The bridal march echoed through the stadium. Liam turned toward the visitors' dugout. Nurse Fiona emerged, wearing a white dress and veil instead of her blue scrubs. She walked on a white runner covered with the fans' choice of red and pink rose petals.

  Liam watched the crowd's reaction. Fiona was as loved as Fin. When she reached him, he raised his hands to his heart.

  Dom joined them, holding a microphone. "Riptide fans, we've watched Fin and Fiona fall in love this season, and through your help, they've arrived at this special day. Fin, do you take Fiona to be your wife?"

  Liam gave an exaggerated and vehement nod and the crowd cheered.

  "And Fiona, do you take Fin to be your husband?"

  She nodded and with both hands, blew Fin a kiss.

  Dom raised his hands. "Then by the power vested in me by the Riptide fandom, I now pronounce you married."

  Grasping Claire's hands, Liam leaned down until the mouths of the costumes met. Cheers and applause rang out at deafening levels.

  Claire grinned at him through the dark mesh. "Love you. Can't wait to do this for real later."

  "Me either." He squeezed her hands once more, then let go. "Ready. On three. One. Two. Three. Go."

  He crouched and then leapt high, throwing his body backward. Blue sky and then the green grass filled his vision and he grinned as he and Claire stuck the landings perfectly and simultaneously.

  The crowd roared over their tandem backflip. They waved to the crowd and then he grabbed her hand and they ran to their waiting golf cart, decorated with streamers and crepe paper bells and a Just Married sign on the back. He hopped inside, made sure Claire was securely next to him, and then he shot off across the field, toward the tunnel, as the fans cheered around them.

  Long after the game ended, when sunset streaked across the sky, Liam again stood at home plate, this time, wearing a dark gray suit, and at Claire's request, a bright blue tie that matched the sash she'd wear on her gown. Nerves pricked his stomach and his heart beat faster. He took a breath and tried to calm down, focusing on the soft strains of the violin music filling the air.

  His best man Slade and groomsmen Dom and Adam stood to his left.

  Two sections of chairs lined the infield in front of the pitcher's mound. Liam's family on the left and Claire's on the right.

  His cousin Hunter and his wife had flown in from New York, bringing more toys to donate to the charity. They sat with Liam's parents, some of the Riptide players, and Adam and Dom's wives. Raymond and Andy were guests too.

  Claire's side had her dad and sisters. The sisters' relationship with Claire had improved nearly one hundred percent from when he'd first been introduced to the family. Her dad had attended several Riptide games and had done his best to help them with every baby question they tossed his way.

  Love was all around, everywhere he looked.

  The violinist switched to a new song. All eyes turned toward the Riptide's dugout. Savanna emerged first, as Claire's maid of honor. She wore a dress of brilliant blue and a smile as wide as the sky when her gaze met Slade's. He offered her his arm and escorted her to her place at the plate.

  Claire glided up the dugout steps, a vision in white in a sexy gown, with that bright blue sash at her waist. His mouth went dry. She'd told him it was a mermaid gown. He hadn't a clue what that meant except that if she'd been a sea siren, he'd gladly have jumped overboard.

  She kept her gaze on his, her smile trembling, as she came to his side. And then she slipped her hand in his and all was right with his world.

  He listened as the officiant spoke of love, then made his vow to love, honor, and cherish Claire forever. He slipped the ring on her finger and couldn't stop smiling.

  She repeated the vows, squeezing his hand for emphasis as she spoke in a calm, clear voice. When she slid the ring on his finger, he felt complete.

  He drew her into his arms, and bent to kiss her. Claire's lips softened under his and he poured all of the love and promise he felt into the kiss.

  The guests cheered and the celebration was underway.

  As the night wound down, Liam gathered with Claire and their friends in the dugout for a quiet moment.

  Dom handed them an elaborately wrapped box. "Happy wedding. Here you go, from all of us."

  Liam set the box on the bench and he and Claire tugged off the wrapping and the lid. Sifting through tissue paper, he spied a shark fin, and lifted it. Not just a fin. But a baby shark costume. His heart swelled with happiness and laughter burst
out as it radiated through him. "I love it. It's perfect."

  He held up the outfit, then handed it to Claire.

  Slade clapped him on the back. "We can't wait for you to introduce the baby to the fans next season. They're going to go crazy."

  "Everyone has been rooting for Fin and Fiona." Claire smiled and leaned into Liam's chest.

  "Can't go against true love." Liam bent until his lips touched Claire's soft mouth.

  She'd been an unexpected surprise. The best thing in his life had come out of the worst experience he'd ever had. He wrapped his arm around her and settled on hand on her stomach. He couldn't wait to meet his child and to share his life with the baby and Claire.

  Everything was changing again. He couldn't control what it, but he was ecstatic about it, and all he could see was a future that ended in a happily-ever-after.


  SLADE WAS LATE. HE sped through the hospital's hallways on his way to pick up Savanna so they could visit Claire and Liam in the maternity wing. He hated being late. Especially for Savanna. Especially today. Once again, LA's horrible traffic hadn't cooperated during his drive.

  She stood when he entered her office and held out a colorful card. "It's from Mason. He's officially in remission."

  He closed the door, then kissed her, and then checked out the thank you card. "I'm so happy. I love that kid."

  "Me too." Savanna grabbed her purse. "Speaking of kids, we should go."

  He linked their hands together. The ring he'd picked up from the jeweler that morning was burning a hole in his pocket. Waiting to propose wasn't an option now that he had her so close to him. "In a second."

  Savanna squeezed his hand as she studied his face. "You seem pretty nervous considering this isn't even your child. You're more wound up than Liam when he called to let us know the baby was on its way."

  He nodded, even as his heartbeat galloped. "Yeah. There's another reason."

  "What's wrong?" She set her purse down and regarded him with wide eyes.

  He drew her over to the chairs in front of her desk. "We need to talk."

  Her gaze turned cautious and she sank into the seat. "Slade? What's going on?"

  "Nothing bad. Just thinking about something I need to do. But I need you to do it with me."

  She gave him a half-smile. "I'm still working off the thrill of scuba diving with the dolphins. But lay it on me. What adventure are you looking to do next?"

  He had a new contract and a promise to the team to keep his adventurous activities limited to the off-season. He still did them, but that need had lessened a lot since he'd found Savanna. "Nothing like that. Something bigger. Something permanent. Something I'm hoping you'll like."

  Her brows arched. "Permanent. Like, matching tattoos?"

  He lifted her hand to his lips and pressed a kiss to where his ring would hopefully soon reside. "How about matching rings? Will you marry me?"

  Her eyes grew wide and her hand tightened around his. "Yes. Definitely yes."

  Relief mixed with joy and he leaned back in the chair, searching his pocket for the ring. Her hand shook as he slid the oval-shaped diamond surrounded by aquamarine stones onto her finger. "It looks good there."

  "It belongs there." She slid her hands along his jaw and drew him toward her. Soft tips touched his in slow exploration. He splayed his hand across her back as his body heated with want and need and love.

  After a long moment, he lifted his head. "I know you're not crazy about the penthouse. I was thinking we'd buy something new together. There's a property for sale near Dom on a good-sized piece of land with two houses on it. Liam and I were thinking that he and Claire and the baby could live in one and you and I could live in the other. But only if you like it."

  He hoped she would. He needed to be close to the family he'd created. "If you don't like it, that's fine. I want to be close to the guys but I'll live anywhere you want. The place doesn't matter as long as you're there. You're home to me."

  Her eyes sparkled with tears. "I can't wait to see the house. I know you need the guys. I'd like it if Claire was close by."

  "Good. Because we already put a deposit down. We didn't want to lose it." He rubbed his thumb over her knuckle, above her ring, while she laughed. "I can't wait to marry you."

  "Me either. I wish we could do it tonight so we could wake up already married tomorrow morning. You're home to me too, you know."

  A rush ran through him at her words. "Then let's do it. We can fly to Vegas tonight. As soon as we see the baby."

  Biting her lip, she tilted her head to the side, and studied their joined hands. "As much as I want to, I can't not have my parents at our wedding. They won't be back from their trip until next week."

  "Right. And I want the guys there. And Tiffany, James, and the kids too." Pitchers and catchers were due to report to Spring Training in six days. He had to head to Arizona the following week. He needed to think. "Getting married during the season will be hard. We'll probably have to wait until November."

  "I don't really want to wait that long."

  "Then, we won't. As long as you don't mind waiting on the honeymoon. The team has two days off between the end of Spring Training and the start of the season. It's a weekend. We'll get married on that Saturday. It can be as small or large a wedding as you want."

  Eyes sparkling, she shifted onto his lap and wrapped her arms around him. "Our first date was in a hot air balloon. We could rent a big one and have the wedding ceremony there."

  "You're willing to recite vows with me at two thousand feet?" He was impressed. She'd continued to impress him on a daily basis with her bravery in trying things that gave her pause and in her ability to ground him when he needed it most.

  "It'll be a full circle moment."

  "It's perfect." He kissed her again, overwhelmed with love for the woman by his side.

  After a phone call to her parents to share their news, they arrived at the maternity wing. Slade knocked on the open door to Claire's private room. "We heard there's a new addition to the Riptide family in here."

  Liam grinned and waved them inside. "It's a boy. We have a son."

  Slade rounded the bed to Liam's side, hugged him, and studied the tiny bundle sleeping in Claire's arms. "Congratulations."

  Liam stroked his finger against his son's cheek, and then his gaze met Slade's. "This is Slade Devereux York."

  Slade blinked. "You gave him my name?"

  "It's only right that he shares the name of my brother and best friend, and if you're willing, his godfather." Liam smiled. "What do you say?"

  "Dude." Swallowing hard, Slade grabbed him in a hard hug. Family. All his life, he'd thought he'd missed out on having one. But he had people he belonged to and who belonged to him. And now, this brand-new, very special bond that would link Liam and him forever. "Saying thank you doesn't seem like enough. But thank you."

  Liam patted him on the back and dropped his tone to a murmur. "Love you, bro. This is proof that you're stuck with me forever."

  Chuckling through his tears, Slade pulled back and wiped his eyes. "Good."

  "Want to hold the baby?"

  "What if I drop him?"

  Savanna's chuckle eased his worry. "Isn't that my line?"

  "You won't." Liam lifted the baby from Claire and placed him in Slade's arms.

  Slade stared at his sleeping namesake and brushed his finger over the baby's tiny hand. "Hey there, little guy."

  Little Slade turned his head and then wrapped his hand around Slade's finger in a surprisingly strong grip. Slade couldn't speak over the lump in his throat. He swallowed hard against the hot tears burning again below the surface. Liam's arm draped around his shoulder and he met his gaze. He didn't have the words to describe how he felt or how to tell Liam and Claire how much the gesture meant to him. But Liam seemed to understand.

  Beside the bed, Savanna bent to hug Claire. "Congratulations."

  "Thank you." She grinned right before nabbing Savanna's wrist. "Don't m
ove so fast. What's on your finger? Is that what I think it is?"

  His new fiancée nodded. "But today is about you and Liam and your beautiful bundle of joy."

  "It's about all of us." Claire waved her down for another hug. "I'm so happy for you guys."

  "That's awesome." Liam clapped Slade on the back and then leaned in, lowering his voice. "Did you ask about the house?"

  Savanna's musical laughter lit up Slade's heart. "He did, and I'm happy we'll be next-door neighbors."

  Slade passed the baby back to Liam, and then slid his arm around Savanna. She kissed his jaw and wrapped her arms around his waist. Feeling like the luckiest guy in the world, he held on tight.

  A short time later, Dom and Adam and their wives came in and the room filled with cheers and congratulations and well wishes for the new family and for Slade and Savanna.

  Slade glanced around the room, smiling at the people he loved and would do anything for without question. As a kid, he dreamed about making it to the big leagues, having a family of his own, and someone to love him. People who would never leave.

  He had it all. His dream had come true.


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  Don’t miss the other books in the Game of Love series:

  REKINDLED - book 1 in the series

  Weary of small roles in low-budget films, actress Gemma Norwood isn’t sure if her heart still lies in making movies, but giving up would be admitting failure and throwing away her dream. An escape back to her hometown, a snow-covered small town in the Catskills, is the perfect place to contemplate her life. Even if the chances are pretty good that she’ll run into the one man who broke her heart. She can handle it. After all, she is an actress.

  Winter is the worst season for pro baseball pitcher Adam Hudson. It gives him too much time to think. He may have physically healed from the line-drive that fractured his skull, but emotionally, he has a long way to go. Questioning whether he can continue to play the game he loves leads to questioning everything, including the choice he made that took Gemma away from him.