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Enamored Page 18

  "Yeah." Savanna cringed through a guilty grin. "I'm so sorry I spilled the beans."

  "It's all right. I really should have told him. I just didn't know how. But I'm glad that he knows. It'll make tomorrow's conversation easier."

  "On that note, we should get some sleep."

  "The couch pulls out into a bed. And I have pretty much everything you'll need in the bathroom." Claire stood and set her soda in the kitchen.

  After Savanna settled on the couch for the night, she lay awake for a long time. Thoughts of Slade, their conversations and experiences, played through her mind.

  She had a big decision to make. And morning would arrive far too early.



  MOVING SLOWLY TO CALM his aching head, Liam refilled his water glass, then joined Slade at the counter. "Morning. Ugh. I'd offer to make breakfast, but I can't even think about food right now. I'll hold off until lunch."

  "Same," Slade agreed, eyes as bloodshot as Liam knew his to be. His friend alternated between gulping down a giant glass of water and sipping a small cup of coffee. "I'll count the two aspirin I downed as breakfast."

  Liam glanced at his phone, hoping for a text from Claire. Nothing. Whenever she arrived, he would be ready.

  He'd showered. Shaved. And ordered three books on pregnancy, parenting, and early childhood development. One of his friends needed to hurry up and have a kid soon so he'd have someone to ask about all things baby-related.

  The intercom sounded an hour later as he finished his third glass of water. Feeling clear-headed, he pressed the button. "Yes?"

  "It's Claire and Savanna."

  "Come on up." Nervous and excited to see Claire, he waited by the door.

  Slade wandered over, looking caught between worry and hope. "Good luck."

  "You too."

  The knock still managed to startle him. He swung the door open. As soon as he met Claire's blue eyes, he all but melted into the floor. How could he stay angry at her? He loved her and now they were having a child. He stepped back to allow them to enter.

  Slade and Savanna were staring at each other like they expected the other to disappear. Slade rubbed his hand over the back of his neck. "We can go in my room and talk."

  Savanna nodded and followed him down the hall. His door closed a moment later.

  Liam closed the front door. All the drama about the job paled in comparison to Claire carrying his child. She still looked too tired. "Are you okay? Still getting sick?"

  "The new vitamins I started taking yesterday seem to be working. I got sick once yesterday and once this morning, but I'll take that over the five times a day awfulness I had before. My doctor said about half of the women who get nausea during pregnancy feel complete relief around fourteen weeks. For most others, it takes another month or so for the queasiness to ease up, though it may return later and come and go throughout pregnancy. And a small percentage of women have symptoms that persist continually until delivery."

  "I hope you don't have it for that long."

  "Me either." Her lips curved in a careful smile. "The ginger ale you bought helps, so thank you."

  "Then I'll buy it by the truck full." They were still in the entryway. "Do you need some? I have it here."

  She laid her hand on her stomach. "I'm fine. But, thanks."

  The urge to touch her there was so strong. He wanted to place his hand alongside of hers and be close to the place where his child grew. "Come into the living room."

  She sat on the end of the couch. He sat half-on the middle and half on the opposite end's cushions, close but not closer than they were ready for. She linked her fingers together, then pulled them apart, then brought one leg up to rest on the cushion and shifted to face him. "We need to talk."

  "We do."

  "This pregnancy has terrified me. I was so sick I couldn't do my job. I didn't know if any of the medicines were going to work. When Ray approached me, I didn't feel like I could tell him no. If he saw me as uncooperative or not a team player, there's nothing to stop him from replacing me too. I couldn't risk that happening now, not with the baby."

  "I understand." He did. He really did.

  She reached toward him and then hesitated and returned her hand to her lap. "The thought of being involved in lining up your replacement made me physically sick. I threw up twice that night. I know losing the job would devastate you. I told Ray that too. I couldn't stand having any part in hurting you."

  He nodded. Hearing that helped.

  "I didn't know how to tell you about it. And I didn't know how to tell you about the baby either. There never was a perfect time. We've only been seeing each other a few months and this pregnancy is a shock."

  "It is. We were always so careful. I've wracked my brain trying to remember if we'd ever forgotten to use a condom. But to be honest, I was always so lost in my head over you that I don't think I would've realized if one had broken."

  "Worrying about the how doesn't help now. But I'm surprised you haven't made any jokes about your sperm having shark strength or something about them being stealth swimmers." She offered him a hopeful smile.

  Laughing, he shifted closer, relieved they could laugh and that she didn't hate him for his hand in the major change in their lives. "You know how my mind works. Believe me, the jokes are forming fast, but I've held back because I wasn't sure if you'd find them funny."

  "It's laugh or cry. And I've done my share of crying."

  "How long have you known?" He wasn't angry she hadn't told him or that she'd told Savanna first, only curious.

  "I found out the day you sprained your ankle."

  Rubbing his hand over his forehead, he shook his head. "Talk about timing."

  "Listen, Liam..." Pausing, she bit her lip. Eyes wide, she watched him as nerves played over her face.

  He couldn't have her worried. Shifting closer, he covered her hand with his. "I'm going to be here for you and the baby every step of the way. We're in this together."

  "Together?" Her gaze searched his and she leaned closer but stopped before any other parts of their bodies connected.

  "I didn't react well yesterday. There was too much emotion. I should have stayed and talked it out. And I definitely shouldn't have said what I did about us. It isn't true. We're not over. We can't be, not when I love you like I do."

  Her eyes welled with tears. She closed the distance, wrapping her other arm around his shoulders. "I love you too."

  His lips found hers and he felt the love flowing between them. He shifted their hands to her stomach and thrilled at the idea their baby was right there.

  After long moments, Claire drew back. "We still haven't solved the problem of what to do about work. Tomorrow's game will be a test to see how well the medicine works over the smell of the ballpark food. If I can't get a handle on this nausea, I won't be able to do the job. And I honestly don't want to work with another Fin. You're what makes Fin the lovable, dynamic character that he is. Maybe we need to remind Ray of that."

  "We can adjust our timing on the field to accommodate whatever breaks you need to take until you're feeling better. The team doesn't have to know about the baby unless you want to tell them."

  "Thank you."

  "When are we having him or her?"


  "I can't believe we're actually having a kid." He loved the idea. Maybe the baby would be the next in line for Fin or Fiona. That was the only replacement he'd accept. He pulled his laptop from the coffee table. "Let's get Ray on video chat. Settle this now."

  She leaned her head on his shoulder as they waited for Ray to accept the call. Liam's fingers stroked over her shoulder.

  Finally, Ray's face popped up on the screen. "Oh. Liam and Claire. What's going on, guys?"

  Liam started right in. "We need to talk to you about the mascot situation."

  "What about it?"

  "As I continue to heal, I'll be more mobile. I'll be able to dance on top of the dugout. Jo
g around. Do light stunts on the ATV. So even if I'm not doing flips in three weeks, it'll be a lot better than things have been."

  "Liam, the backup is a backup plan. I explained that to you yesterday."

  "I respect that, Ray. But I made Fin into the character that the fans love. Not some other guy. Me. No one else has my personality or drive. No one else is as committed to taking Fin as far as he can go, not only at the ballpark but with the kids in the charity and at Children's Hospital. I work my ass off, during baseball season and in the off-season. I don't think you'll find that kind of commitment with anyone else. No one wants it like I do."

  Claire squeezed his hand. "I can't pick someone else over Liam. No one else is Fin to me. He's the reason Fin and Fiona have such chemistry. It's real. That can't be faked with someone else."

  Ray regarded them coolly. "So you're telling me that you're involved with each other."

  "More than that." Claire glanced at Liam and brought their joined hands to her stomach. If she was ready to tell Ray about their news, he'd fully support her. When he nodded, she returned her focus to the screen. "We're having a baby."

  Ray's eyebrows shot up his forehead. "Oh."

  "I've been having some nausea that's been difficult to control but otherwise, my doctor said I can continue to do the gymnastics through the end of the season."

  "Well, that's good. Your health comes first, but if she gave the approval, that's great."

  Liam adjusted his seat on the couch, rocking the laptop so Ray's face blurred. "We're hoping to incorporate more into the Fin and Fiona storyline. If you look at the comments on the site, the fans love us. We can take it to the next level and get them involved. Run a contest where they'll get to appear in the next video with us. Have them help Fin plan a proposal, and vote on everything for the wedding which will take place during the last game of the regular season. It'll be a huge build up. I think we'd get a sellout crowd for Fin and Fiona alone, regardless of who the Riptide are playing on September thirtieth."

  Ray ran a pen back and forth between his fingers. He was quiet for several moments and his face remained impassive. But then he nodded. "I can see how much this means to you both. You're right, Liam, you are the reason Fin is so popular. We do owe you for that. I give you my word. I won't hire anyone else for the rest of the season."

  "Thank you." The tension in Liam's muscles released and the web of restraints around his heart broke. At last, he felt more like his old confident self.

  "But if by some reason, you're not back to normal by next season's Spring Training, I'll have to look for a new Fin."

  "I understand." He did. He totally did. But that wasn't going to be an issue. He'd make sure of it. "But I'll be back for sure. Opening Day is when we'll introduce the world to Fin and Fiona's baby shark."

  Ray smiled. "That would be a great start to the new season. All right, you two, you have a deal."

  Grinning, Liam tugged Claire to his chest. "Thank you."

  Ray signed off and the screen went dark. Liam pulled Claire onto his lap. "We did it."

  "I'm so happy he said yes."

  "He's not stupid. I think he's already picturing the ticket sales and the merchandise opportunities for Baby Finley."

  "Baby Finley?" Face beaming with her smile, Claire wound her arms around his neck. "I like it. And I love you."

  He held on tight. "I love you too. What do you think about making Fin and Fiona's wedding coincide with our own?"

  "Our own?" She pulled back. "You're asking me to marry you for real?"

  "Will you? I don't have a ring but we can pick one out together. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

  Fresh tears sparkled in her eyes and she nodded. "Yes. I love you so much. I can't wait to marry you. We should do it on the same day as Fin and Fiona."

  Happiness surged through him, but he kept his voice fairly even. "You want to get married on a baseball field, in front of thirty thousand people, dressed in a shark costume?"

  Laughing, she brushed her hand through his hair. "We can leave the costumes and the crowd for Fin and Fiona. But I do want to marry you on the field where we first met, with our friends and families around us."

  "I can't imagine a better way to begin our life together." He kissed her and then tapped her hip. "Let's take this someplace a little more private."

  She sent him a teasing smile. "The balcony?"

  Chuckling, he drew her to the hall. "The bedroom."


  HE CLOSED HIS BEDROOM door and watched Savanna cross to the window. Sunlight spotlighted her flowing hair, gold jewelry, and teal dress, she appeared part goddess, part enchantress. He perched on the edge of the bed, grateful for the chance to talk, desperate to somehow win her back, but at a loss as to how to begin.

  She tucked her hair behind her ear and licked her lips. "I heard you didn't jump last night."

  "Dom and Adam told me that I was being an idiot, but seeing Liam, ready to jump because I needed him and because he thought he'd lost everything, made me realize that it was a dangerous and unwise idea. I couldn't let him jeopardize his recovery. Seeing how my decisions, my actions could potentially hurt someone I love made me change my mind. See what everyone around me could see. If I can do it for Liam, I can do it for you."

  She sighed and shook her head. "Slade."

  "You said you didn't want me to do it, that it was dangerous, and that it really worried you. I was reeling from a lot of emotions last night, so I wasn't thinking clearly. I made a huge mistake in how I handled the whole BASE jumping thing with you. You were right. I should have stopped, then sat down and talked to you about it, like we've always done on anything we've tried. I'm sorry I messed that up—royally. Please don't think that your feelings don't matter to me. They've always mattered."

  "But you said you can't stop doing what you love just because I'm uncomfortable."

  "I honestly don't know if I can give up skydiving or the other things I like, but I'm willing to try if you'll give us another chance."

  Pursing her lips, she shook her head again. "I don't want you resenting me. And I don't want you to change. I'm not saying give them up completely, but if I have what I feel is a legitimate concern about something you want to do, I want to feel like my voice is being heard."

  He stood, eager to hold her. "I promise I can do that."

  "But still, we're so different. You're adventurous and I'm cautious. You're fearless and I'm so not."

  "We balance each other out. And we're not that different, not on what really matters." He crossed to her, slow footsteps, but he was ready to crawl if he needed. "I've gotten you to try some new things and you've filled an emptiness that's been inside me my whole life. When I left Tiffany yesterday, I came to you because my heart knew what it needed. The guys have said they've seen a difference in me. That's you."

  "You're going to make me cry."

  "I'd like it better if you kissed me instead." He traced a fingertip down her face.

  She captured his hand. "Wait. Let me say something. You know I'm a champion worrier. I can't promise that I won't ever worry about the things that made me run scared and end the best relationship I've ever had, but I'll keep trying to get better. I fell in love with you just as you are. There's something special between us. Being without you hurts too much. I can deal with any amount of worrying as long as I have you."

  He clasped his other hand to her hip and drew her against him. As soon as their bodies lined up, he felt complete. All his apprehension, all his anxiety let go. This was right. Just this. "Being with you is a rush all on its own. And it's the only one I'm addicted to."

  She kissed his palm and pulled him closer. Her hand slid to his neck and she held him tight as he brought their lips together. He angled his mouth and she followed. He deepened the kiss, savoring her taste and the feel of her body against his. If he could go on kissing her forever, he'd be a happy man.

  Too soon, she leaned back. Smiling, she traced her fingers over his cheek
. "I love you, Slade. You're the only one for me."

  I love you.

  The words stamped themselves across his heart. His eyes burned and tears formed colorful prisms in his eyes. A few spilled over when he blinked them back, and Savanna brushed them away. "I never heard that growing up. Never until Dom, Adam, and Liam. Up until now, they're the only ones I've said that to. But I've wanted to say it to you for weeks. I love you, Savanna. More than I thought I could love anyone."

  Her eyes watered. She sniffed and laughed while he wiped them away. And then he went back to kissing her. They held each other in the beam of sunshine, soaking in the warmth of their love.

  A few hours later, he and Savanna arrived at Tiffany and James' house. Talking with Liam well into the night, and then Savanna that morning had helped him see more clearly and objectively. He didn't blame Tiffany. He couldn't. Life hadn't been kind to her either. Her actions had been based in love.

  Tiffany led them into the sun room and chose the chair, leaving them the couch. She smoothed her skirt and then cleared her throat. "Thank you for coming back. I've been thinking so much about what you told me. I'm so sorry for all you went through. I wasn't strong enough at twenty-two to fight for you and I've always regretted it. Can you ever forgive me?"

  Holding Savanna's hand, he squeezed and waited for the reassuring press of soft fingers. "There's nothing to forgive. I'm sure it wasn't easy for you. I had time to think too. I'm glad you got away from your abuser. I didn't like thinking about you and Melanie and the kids being in that environment."

  Smiling, she folded her fidgeting hands on her lap. "Thank you. It took me a long time. I didn't leave until I was thirty. I used to wish that life had turned out differently, but if it had, I might not have Melanie, Chloe or Caden."

  He wouldn’t wish any of them away. "If life had worked out differently, then maybe I wouldn't have ended up playing baseball, or meeting Liam, Dom, and Adam. I wouldn't have met Savanna. And I can't imagine my life without them. I think life worked out the way it was supposed to."

  Tiffany wiped her eyes. "I found James again after all those years. And we found you. You have no idea how happy I am that we found you."